We have loaded all of the UK’s Open time trials ready for forecasting each week. After some hard work by club organisers this also now includes evening club time trials. Just click the “Club Events” tab and you’ll get your local club 10 forecast too. View Open Events | View Club Events
Almost late for work
I ride back and fourth between work and home quite regularly. On paper, the way out should be easiest with only 97m elevation compared to the way home being 108m elevation. So why did the way out feel so hard?? On the way there I had 89% headwind!!! This gave me a feels like elevation … Continue reading “Almost late for work”
Apology for Segment Windsock Issue
We’re sorry if you have been incorrectly notified of optimum Strava Segment conditions, by one or more of our Windsocks. Unfortunately we temporarily lost comms with Windsocks and they were left excitedly blowing away in the wind. Order has been restored and the Windsocks are now functioning correctly. More about Segment Windsocks Manage your Segment … Continue reading “Apology for Segment Windsock Issue”
Ben: My 4th hottest ride
My 4th hottest ride on myWindsock Weather Trends was in preparation for the then upcoming national 12 hour championship. I was out in the heat for 4hr 15min, covering a bit over 161km (100 miles). The route was particularly interesting as I had decided to take in as many of the local time trial courses … Continue reading “Ben: My 4th hottest ride”
More Segment Windsocks
I love a good KOM hunt and I’ve been maxing out the 5 Segment Windsock limit recently, this is very frustrating. At our new location in Cumbria, there are so many amazing hills around to attack! The five Windsocks that we offer on Premium just isn’t enough. So the 5 Windsock limit had to go! Upgrade to myWindsock Premium to … Continue reading “More Segment Windsocks”
100 miles in under 3 hours
We are delighted to hear Jonathan Schubert used our modelling and analysis in preparation for his record breaking sub 3 hour 100 miles ride. The aero efficiency (CdA) Jonathan achieved is amazing. He talks about using effective CdA, the on the road CdA, in modelling the record attempt. This modelling would show that the sub … Continue reading “100 miles in under 3 hours”
Ben: My longest headwind this year.
I feel a bit guilty at nabbing this one from my Weather Trends, as I am sure this is also Caroline’s longest headwind too. I asked Caroline if she had a bike and would she like to come for a bike ride. We’d done a lot of walking at this point so it seemed like … Continue reading “Ben: My longest headwind this year.”
View all the weather for your week’s riding
I created the myWindsock Planner so I can view all the cycling weather I can expect for the week ahead. I really like seeing what I can expect well before I ride. Which days will be wet, windy or rather pleasant. It’s especially useful this time of year in the UK where the weather is … Continue reading “View all the weather for your week’s riding”
Our new Strava Club
We’ve created a new myWindsock Strava Club. We will be providing tip and tricks to get the most out of myWindsock. Plus the announcement of our latest new features. Join the myWindsock Strava Club
Criterium Aero Analysis – Analysing a mass start race
I took part in my first bunch race last Saturday. It has been a great opportunity for me to understand the applications of myWindsock.com for planning and analysing mass start races. One especially cool thing from racing on a circuit is that I am collecting loads of aero data. Each time I cross the same … Continue reading “Criterium Aero Analysis – Analysing a mass start race”