Please contact us if your event should be included on this page and we will be happy to include it. You can view the forecast for any Route, Segment or Activity by uploading your course. Or look at the currently loaded Tour of Britain 2017 Course List
It's very easy to share a forecast for an event. You can even share a live forecast on your website. Simply click the Share Icon for the best sharing options. You can read more about sharing forecasts here.
If you would like to manage you club's events please Request Admin Access.
#tob2017 How will the Great British weather affect the race. See the wind and follow the race here.
Discover how changes in Watts, CdA and Weight affect your time. Find out how much faster you will be if you drop a kilogram or gain a few extra watts.
Perhaps adding a few extra watts up hill and a few less whilst on the flat will grab you that personal best.
Go faster by monitoring your CdA on your rides or go into full blown Aero Field Testing mode. The Aero Field Testing Suite brings the wind tunnel to your training loop.
Find the advantage by making the right position and equipment choices.
A rolling weather forecast keeps up with your time and position changes. As you move so does the forecast.
You'll be able to see how the weather is predicted to change around your route.
View the weather conditions for your Activities and past Strava Segment efforts. Put your ride in context by viewing how the weather affected your ride.
How did your weather compare with the rest of the Strava Leaderboard.
Wind Lines and the concept of colours for the depiction of wind direction on a route map is the Copyright of Ben Norbury.
©2025 Ben Norbury Ltd
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